Ep26 Scalable Client Business Models for Transitioning 1:1 Consulting to a 1:Many Group Program – Q&A with Dr Jay

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Scalable client business models are an increasing trend in the consulting and coaching industry. That’s come about partly through forced digital transformation over the global pandemic, and also because working one-on-one with clients is one of the biggest bottlenecks in a consulting or coaching business’s growth trajectory.

High-end 1-to-1 work is usually great income, as we’re working at the top of the tree. Yet, over time that intense, high-end work can take its toll, especially with the added pressure to keep bringing in new clients or keep existing ones happy.

As entrepreneurs and high achievers, we are constantly pushing ourselves to grow – to learn, to build, to earn more, to be more productive, to be better. And it’s pretty exhausting. This is exactly why we seek the holy grail of being able to earn more, work less, yet grow fast. And for most, it’s a real tension between those things.

Leverage across various parts of your business, holds the key to finding work life balance and avoid entrepreneurial burnout. Last week, we revisited those themes and the different ways that leverage can ease the load, fuel our sense of joy and fulfilment and give us the freedom we seek through entrepreneurship.

With all the affordances and shifts in using digital tools, digital spaces, digital marketing and online delivery, many consultants and coaches and other expert service providers are looking to alternative ways to attract and work with clients. But it’s not something you just flick a switch, it’s a strategic change and takes a bit of planning and mental adjustment.

So with the backdrop of what we’re aiming to achieve for our own work-life balance, working smarter not harder, in this episode, I’m sharing examples of how entrepreneurs are making that transition.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Why dropping the one-to-one activities for client delivery and leveraging digital spaces, allows you to maintain revenue, influence and impact more people in less time, and still have time for yourself to enjoy your desired lifestyle.
  • How creating workflows is the first step to leveraging other people to help run your operations, sales and marketing, and onboarding.
  • What kinds of program design help create the most leverage so you can maintain the right balance of interaction with your participants without the intensity of done-for-you project work or individual coaching services.
  • How having boundaries enables you to land the kind of clients that are committed to working with your guidance to achieve the transformational turnaround they need.


Resources & support:

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