Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age

leveraged consulting digital strategies for service based small businesses
leveraged consulting in the digital age audiobook cover

Audible Audiobooks

with free downloadable index, figures and quotes

Get your copy in paperback, hardback, kindle & audio with a free digital workbook

If you’re looking to grow your consulting or coaching business and you have ambition, drive, a sense of adventure, willingness to learn & the spirit to succeed, Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age is definitely worth your attention.

Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age book by Jay Allyson
Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age
the AI advantage jay allyson strategic business growth
Jay Allyson new book The AI Advantage - back cover

My new book is coming out soon on Amazon

So exciting!

The AI Advantage is a monograph to accompany my core book Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age – monograph meaning a short book on a single specialised topic – in this case the use of AI and generative AI tools like ChatGPT to support small business productivity, profitability and growth, the epitome of leveraged business strategies for working smarter not harder!

Whether you’re already an advocate of AI and embracer of ChatGPT and other AI tools, or you’re still unsure or even unaware, this is your gateway to seeing from the small business perspective what’s possible in the immediate and longer terms.

If you’d like an advance review copy and willing to give me feedback, and a review on its publication launch day, please opt in below and once the pre-release manuscript is ready, we’ll wing the download link over to you.

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And... there's more 🙂

#1 Order the book via Amazon in paperback, hardback, kindle or audiobook

#2 When you buy the book you get free access to a digital copy of the Companion Workbook – “The Leverage Test” Business Diagnostic, Action Planner & Success Checklist

#3 Join our new private facebook group The Leveraged Living Club, where you get to network with other professional practitioners excited to leverage their expertise and grow their business

#4 Book yourself a complementary 30-minute Business Accelerator Strategy session with me here

#5 Subscribe to The Leveraged Business Podcast

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leverage technology for business growth and work-life balance
Jay Allyson iSuccess Leveraged Business Accelerator as featured in
leveraged consulting jay allyson HOT NEW RELEASES

Amazon Best Seller in FIVE categories

  • Business Consulting
  • Business Skills
  • Service Industry
  • Small Business Sales & Selling
  • Nonprofit Organisations & Charities

Why read it…

Building a leveraged business is a natural next stage of a journey you have already begun as an independent professional expert and a service provider. Whether you want to improve your digital brand and visibility to leverage your expertise in more effective ways, create streamlined processes and systems for leveraged marketing & sales or delivery of what you offer in a digital product or programme, this Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age provides the handbook for your success.

Leverage is your secret weapon & competitive advantage in an increasing busy market.

Although professional services such as consulting and coaching is growing fast as an industry, competition and client scepticism concerning value for money is growing too. This book helps you manoeuvre into a prime position, harnessing the power of digital to engage, educate and enrol your ideal clients using more leveraged strategies than your more traditional counterparts.

A leveraged strategy should resonate very strongly if you see yourself as:

  • An ambitious entrepreneur not just a freelancer;
  • An inspiring leader & guide not just a hired help; and
  • A results-driven expert not just a day-rate service provider.

LEVERAGED CONSULTING IN THE DIGITAL AGE shows you how to make the leap from self-employed supplier of ‘me too’ services to in-demand ‘go-to’ expert for next level business growth. 

If you’ve ventured out on your own, started as a professional services business and hopefully achieved some success, you can count yourself an entrepreneur. But maybe you find yourself hitting some stumbling blocks in terms of consistent income, time freedom and sustainable growth.

Leveraged consulting helps you overcome many of the common frustrations that professional experts face in clarifying their message, picking a profitable niche, creating a compelling offer, attracting their best clients and creating reliable revenue streams.

The book comes with an extensive companion workbook including “The Leverage Test” business diagnostics to help you evaluate the current state of play across the iSuccess 7-dimensions framework so you can develop your own digital roadmap towards a leveraged consulting model that best suits how you want to work and live.


Jacqueline Allyson Dempster, PhD.

Business Consultant, Coach & Online Education Specialist

Founder of the iSuccess Business Academy

CEO & Managing Partner, Belanda Consulting


If you’re a service provider looking to create real leverage in your business, Jay’s book covers the gamut of building a leveraged consulting business in the digital age” – Dorie Clark, best-selling author of Reinventing You and Stand Out

“A comprehensive manual to building a consulting business in the digital age” – Danny Iny, Founder & CEO of Mirasee and best-selling author of Teach & Grow Rich and Effortless


“Comprehensive guide to developing and scaling a consultancy business” – Anna Parker-Naples, best-selling author of Get Visible and Podcast With Impact


“A comprehensive and clear guide in the digital age of confusion” – Rachel Henke, best-selling author of The Freedom Solution and Living Fearlessly


Reader reviews:

Finally a no-fluff, exceptionally written book which is perfect for the small business owner – If only I could give it 6 stars”

“Refreshingly free of jargon and leaves readers with practical applications to build a leveraged strategy for exponential growth”

“An important guide for the modern consultant, coach or therapist”

“An excellent resource for new and seasoned consultants, Jay Allyson’s “Leveraged Consulting” offers plenty of encouragement, advice, and tips and tricks for being successful”

“Though, the book is specifically written for those in the consulting industry, any entrepreneur can unearth the gem of practical knowledge and tips hidden in its pages. It is eye-opening and easily understandable.”

Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age book review

It’s a Game Changer

In the Preface, I talk about why I wrote the book and why it’s important to achieving independent success as a professional service provider in today’s digital arena. The Introduction focuses on the problem most freelance consultants & small service firms typically face in terms of growth and income plateaus. It introduces you to the role that digital can play in transforming how you can leverage both your expertise & your time.

You can look at the chapter structure & table of contents, read the full preface & introduction in the free overview available to download (top & bottom of this page).

Leveraged Consulting in the Digital Age aims to help you:

#1  Think differently about how you market and deliver your professional expertise – with regards to business models, packaging, pricing, lead generation and recurring revenue.

#2  Identify growth blockers – the elements in your business design that are most likely holding you back in growing your business in terms of the mindset, marketing message, operational processes and the leveraged strategy you need to break through your current income ceiling.

#3. Create your own leveraged roadmap for transforming your current consulting, coaching or other service business into a more profitable, dependable and scalable enterprise that serves your prospects and clients in a value-driven and digitally smart manner.

jay allyson book banner

What topics are covered

After the Preface & Introduction, Chapter 1 of the book looks at the Power of Leverage – redefining the term “leveraged” for consulting businesses and exploring the payoffs compared to the traditional ‘time for money’ revenue model typical for most service provider and agency businesses.

To understand why this is an important mind shift, in Chapter 2 we turn towards Leveraged Strategy, to understand the major strategic imperatives, such as responding to market shifts & growth trends, and how to prepare yourself for success winning clients in the digital arena.

Building anything, foundations are critical. We look next at Leveraging YOU, in terms of aligning your expertise and message with a profitable target market and positioning yourself for visibility and engagement with your audience.

The next three chapters focus on Leveraged Marketing, Leveraged Sales and Leveraged Delivery – the common theme is being the way education can act as a powerful tool for business growth and introducing the Engage-Educate-Enrol pathway to get more of your ideal clients deciding to work with you. 

The book covers the key areas where leverage opportunities exist, and in the final Chapter, I’ve provided you with starting points to self-evaluate your business as a way to create your own leveraged roadmap to success – foundational ideas for strategic thinking, practical implementation for improving your current business and a direction of travel for future plans.

Both paperback and Kindle editions of the book include “The Leverage Test” – a free Business Diagnostics Workbook, Action Planner and Success Checklists so you can take your ideas and actions notes from the book deeper into planning and implementing digital transformation.

An invitation to join the iSuccess Business Academy is the next best step and there’s a free first month for all my book readers. 

And don’t forget to join our free iSuccess private FB group – The Leveraged Living Club!

Core Concepts

jay allyson book banner

Core concepts in the book include:

  • Strategic marketing for business growth
  • Entrepreneurship for professional experts
  • Education as a tool for marketing & revenue generation
  • Paradigm shifts for the success mindset
  • Brand clarity, positioning & visibility for competitive advantage
  • Building trust through authentic engagement processes
  • Value-driven marketing to overcome selling resistance
  • Demonstration as a basis for client acquisition
  • Delivering value & charging what you’re worth
  • Automating your content & communication systems
  • Digital transformation & reaching a global audience.
jay allyson book banner

Bonus Support

The Leverage Test business diagnostics workbookBONUS #1

The book comes with a free digital copy of the companion workbook: The Leverage Test – Business Diagnostics Workbook, Action Planner and Success Checklists. I suggest mid-way through reading you “take the temperature” so to speak on your business with this self-evaluation.

The workbook also includes space to record your ideas and actions notes from the book and success checklists to help you with planning and implementing your leveraged roadmap to digital transformation.

You can get the print copy from Amazon.


Join our free iSuccess private FB group @ The Leveraged Living Club. 


Receive a private invitation to a 60-minute Digital Roadmap business acceleration consult with Jay (worth £247) by submitting an enquiry form with your book promo code.


leveraged consulting through digital transformation support for small businesses


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Book a Strategy Discovery Session with Jay


This is a 30-minute session – and completely without obligation, no sales. It’s purely to get you clear on your single next best step to focus on, strategically. Together, we talk through your business goals, current issues and we’ll go through some of the key dimensions you need to consider that make the difference to achieving the success you want. We look at your marketing and your sales process to see which areas of improvement can have the the biggest impact. From that vantage point, you will know where to put your efforts and what kind of support you need to help you success with speed.

Schedule An Appointment

Chapters in academic books

(published under Jacqueline Allyson Dempster)

Technology Enhanced Learning Best Practices
Educational Development Through Information and Communications Technologies
Towards Strategic Staff Development
cademic and Educational Development: Research, Evaluation and Changing Practice in Higher Education