Episode 081 – From the Revenue Rollercoaster to Consistent Client Flow in Your Business

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As business owners, consistent client flow can be hard to manage. We are constantly challenged to balance getting clients with serving clients. If you stop one to do the other, it keeps you on the revenue rollercoaster – that cycle of feast and famine, peaks and dips that create stress and struggle in your business and your life.

If you haven’t got dependable, manageable and consistent client flow, you may be stuck on the revenue rollercoaster. In this episode, I take you through one of three scenarios, what you need to focus on to improve business growth and how to achieve success.  

Or maybe you’ve done too well bringing new clients in, and you’re working flat out and struggling to cope with delivering the work at the quality you want, and your clients expect.

Before you arrive at a balanced business where marketing, sales and delivery are all leveraged and in flow, you’ll undoubtedly have to cross some choppy seas to reach calmer water on the other side.

In this episode, I share the success framework I use with my clients when we do a business diagnostic. It aligns with the STAGES of business and provides a way of looking at where the bottleneck lies as a driver for strategy and performance improvement.