060 How to Increase Your Consulting Income Without Taking on More Clients – Part 2 The ‘Less is More’ Velvet Rope Strategy

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The velvet rope strategy is a great way to earn more, work less, grow faster, one of the big goals for creating true freedom in your business and in your life. After 15 years in business, I’ve learned ways to grow a consulting practice that don’t involve taking on more clients, which may sound counterintuitive.

In this second part of our three-part series, I’m going to reveal a neat way to get über selective about who you take on as a client alongside increasing the efficiency of your operational processes.

Once you have consistent marketing and sales flow going, you’ll want to leverage your time and energy by creating velvet rope policies that (a) pre-qualify your prospects, (b) build out the value in your program, and (c) allow you to increase your prices. And velvet rope marketing has become an important way to attract better clients using exclusivity.

In this episode, part 2 of 3, I share with you some questions that help you with business planning, focused on choice, value and prices, and how this impacts client work in your practice. You will learn how to plan to increase your consulting income without taking on more clients and create your own velvet role policies by:

  1. Increasing your fees
  2. Systematising your operations
  3. Cutting out unnecessary costs
  4. Attracting better clients

Resources and support to explore your best leveraged business options and create your own velvet rope strategy:

Book a Discovery Session with Jay

This 30-minute consult is complimentary and completely without obligation – we’ll talk through your current business setup, then identify some elements for improving your strategic marketing for business growth!