3 Leveraged Income Models for Repurposing Your Active Income Client Work
If you’re looking for leveraged income models that turn your active income client work into saleable products, this article shows you three leveraged business models you can use to get going right away repurposing your expert material from what you’re already doing....
How to Build an Automated Sales Force
Ever wish you could hire a team of savvy sales people to stay in touch with your prospective clients and encourage them to take up your offer? When you put a few simple systems in place, you can create more leverage in your marketing so no need for expensive sales...
How to Create Leverage in a Service Business with Online Programmes
There’s much talk in the consulting & coaching industries about leverage and the need to create leverage in a service business in order to grow. This article outlines what we mean by leverage and how online programmes can help increase your reach and revenue....
Increase Service Business Revenue as an Educational Entrepreneur
Many consultants and coaches get stuck at one income level and come to me asking how you can increase service business revenue when you only have so many days in any given month for delivering client work. Over the years, I heard so many times the expression “taking...