How to Leverage Your Podcast Production Workflow, Promotion and Outsourcing
This week, we’re talking leveraged podcast production workflow, including promoting your show and outsourcing the heavy lifting of the whole end-to-end process for each episode. It’s the third and final part of our series The Power of Podcasting to Build an...
4 Steps of a Successful Podcast Launch Plan
Today we continue the three-part series on the power of podcasting to build an engaged audience, and move from from the ‘why start a podcast’ topic of last week to the actual podcast launch plan. If you decided a podcast is something for you, or if you’re...
Why Start a Podcast and What’s Involved
Are you ready to start a podcast? Whether you want to host a podcast or want to know more about the behind-the-scenes world of podcasts, this three-episode series will help you see why you might want to start a podcast. It reveals the why, what and how of podcasting...
How to Craft an Offer & Sell It Fast – Part 1, Creating Online Group Programs
Working with clients 1:1 is great and can be very rewarding, but with more people working virtually and the ease of setting up online group programs, it doesn’t have to be your entire business model if you learn how to create online group programs. If you’re ready to...
Improve Workflow Efficiencies With Client Acquisition Process Mapping
Client acquisition process mapping is a great way to improve workflow efficiencies. It’s a key route to creating leverage in your business. I absolutely LOVE creating workflows. I do it for my own business and I help my clients do it. And what I love most is...